Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Help! Held Hostage by Verizon

I'm in lust with the iPhone. I love the functionality and ease of use of my Mac and my iPod, and I just know an iPhone would be just as useful.

Alas, I have Verizon Wireless, which for reasons it is now probably kicking itself, did not pick up the option to sell the iPhone. So instead, I have a Blackberry. Which I like a lot, but I'm sure you understand. I cannot be an iPhone Mom with a Blackberry.

Yes, I could switch to AT&T. Except we have a family of three teenagers who also have cell phones on Verizon. So as the renewal time for each cell phone comes up, we're digging one more shovelful of dirt into the Verizon pit.

It's not even as if I'm unhappy with Verizon. Service has been reliable. Customer service has been good. They just don't have a product that I really, really, really want. My family could put a halt on all new phones and wait until all of our contracts are due for renewal (that would be including the one I just renewed for my son yesterday...). But in reality, I know we're stuck on this albeit comfortable vise for the foreseeable future.

The Verizon family plan has been terrific--- unless, of course, you want an iPhone.

Rumor has it that Verizon may end up working out a deal with Apple in a few years. Maybe, just maybe, then....

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